Faux Painting at Freiboth Painting

Freiboth Painting in Fullerton, CA is the artistic answer to design fierce of not only color, but texture. We are in the business of transforming walls from the mere borders that divide the spaces of our lives into unique artistic focal points worthy of a lingering pause or a gentle touch.


Faux painting is basically a decorative finish that makes one material look like another. You could faux paint and transform a standard wall to look like stone, stucco, leather, wood, Tuscan plaster, or even elephant hide. An entirely different mood can be created with a faux finish.


The numerous decorating and home improvement television shows have many thinking faux painting and decorative finishing is a weekend project and anyone can do well at it.

The reality is much different!!! There is a definite technique and art to faux painting, which takes time and years of painter training to have the decorative painting result to be something you really love. It takes someone with experience like Freiboth Painting to accomplish that beautiful faux finish. Call us today!


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